By now we've all heard about the power of meditation. It's been shown to ease depression, improve mental function, and reduce stress and anxiety. Did you know it also reduces negative thought patterns or attachments to negative feelings that can actually effect our physical body?
Meditation quiets the constant chatter that often brings anxiety, worry, and distraction into our lives. And even if it doesn’t quiet it completely – you can learn to observe this over-thinking.
Even taking five minutes to practice meditation can bring us back into the present moment, encourage better decision-making, and allow us to truly experience our lives to the fullest.
So you've never meditated before. So what? Nobody's judging you – it’s just you and me here…go ahead, give it a whirl.
Start Small
It's a common misconception that you need to be a meditation guru to see any change in your life. That's just not true. I suggest starting small, even as little as two minutes can be helpful in learning how to slow your mind. As you start to see the positive results even in such short sessions, I think you will be more inclined to make time in your day for this.
Pearlscription for Meditation
Unfortunately, often times the first solution offered when experiencing anxiety, stress or depression is a prescription for medication. While there is a need for this in some cases, it can also be a band-aid for a problem that we can begin to work on ourselves. Or at least use in conjunction with necessary medications to work more effectively.

THE Basics, baby
Fear is a large inhibitor when it comes to trying new things. What if I do it wrong? What if I'm not good at it? Take the fear out of the equation by familiarizing yourself with the basic goals of a regular meditation practice and then realize that practice is just that: practice.
Do you, boo
Rules are made to be broken. Period.
Once you learn the principles and goals of meditation, you can adjust this to whatever works for you. The best practice is the one we will actually do, so maybe for you it's a completely different style or goal than what would work for someone else. Stick with it and make adjustments as you go.
Quiet Mind
When you sit down to practice, you might notice you start remembering things you need to do and feel the urge to act on them. This is part of the process. When that little voice comes a callin’ and tries to steal your attention away, simply say silently to yourself, “Thank you for sharing,” or “Oh that’s nice” and direct your attention back to your body and your breath. Let your thoughts come and then go.
*BONUS: Meditation causes us to relax more easily, which has been shown to slow the aging process. (Can I get a hell yes!)
With guided meditation, you don’t need to know how to meditate. All that’s required is that you listen. Listening to an instructor guide you into a meditation will assist you into moving effortlessly into the magically renewing waters of your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has control over the 37.2 trillion cells of your body, and also regulates and connects all 12 systems that keep you alive and functional. Impressive right?! I really don't know what you waiting for.
Guided meditation can be found in many different modalities - whether you attend a class or listen via video, podcast, or the good old fashion CD - it's sure to make it easier to enter into the world of meditation.

Practicing meditation and being present will help you in all aspects. You will begin to be able to use your energy and attention to stay present and be more productive. This practice will also help you be more aware of the decisions you are making, by being able to observe your thoughts and emotions before acting. You will naturally feel drawn to making healthier decisions for yourself. Having a meditation ritual is a great tool to help cleanse the mind and body, as well as strengthen your ability to breathe easier and be happier throughout the rest of your day.
Below are a few tools to assist you in your journey: