Autumn is an evocative season. A season of sacred in-betweens. Perhaps more than any other season, it is a gateway. A gateway to turning our attention away from things that are no longer for us, a gateway to letting go of yesterday. Halloween and Samhain have passed, the masks and rituals are packed away for next year. The time of tricks and treats gone by. Therefore, time to act as nature does. Honor the ghosts you’ve been hanging onto by letting them rest. Allow yourself a respite from all the effort of holding on to these things that haunt you.
Let go of ghosts.
Shed anything that haunts you.
Past relationships, old traumas, promises you’ve outgrown, other peoples dreams for you, anxiety over the future.
Let em' go.
These past few mornings, at dawn, there’s a frost glistening like a crystal veil over everything and you can feel that Winter is on the horizon. A season of seclusion, restoration, and a time of sitting quietly with ourselves and listening. If that release of old attachments fails to be unburdened, you’ll be haunted by these ghosts throughout this time. Old spirits rattling around in your mind and soul all Winter will certainly keep you rooted in the past.

Think of these attachments as the seeds your going to plant in the Spring – it all starts here. The late Fall and Winter are times to start making a blueprint for the next cycle, the next journey around the sun. What will your blueprint look like? Will you be planting a garden of old relationships, doubt and comparison or will you be watching joy, acceptance and happiness bloom?
What can you let go of? What can you nourish within you?
As for today…every ray of low Autumn sunlight that still warms you and every rush of golden leaves that surrounds you tells a story. The story of reveling in the present moment. Finding abundance in the enthusiasm of the wild, as well as taking a page from mama nature’s book:
Warm yourself by the fire of what’s in your heart and NOT the stories of old ghosts or what your idle mind creates.